Seasonal Consignment Events
Bi-annual sale events held only at:
Myersville Banquet & Event Center
301 Main Street
Myersville, MD
Seller/Consignor Links:
What We Accept
What We Don't Accept
Crib & Car Seat Safety Checklist
Always remember the SELLER'S Golden Rule...do not sell anything YOU would NOT BUY!
Clothing- preemie to juniors.
Current styles in very good to excellent condition only.
Spring/Summer Sale: spring and summer clothing items. Denim and light weight jackets are okay, but avoid fleece, sweaters and heavy coats.
Fall/Winter Sale: warm clothing, jackets, snowsuits, Halloween costumes, Christmas dresses all welcome! Save sleeveless shirts, shorts and bathing suits for the spring/summer sale.
Shoes- must be in new to excellent condition, FREE OF DIRT.
Maternity Clothing- any season and current styles.
Baby Equipment- strollers, slings, highchairs, playpens, gates, car seats*, swings, play yards, etc.
*Car Seat recalls can be checked at:
Nursery Items- décor, bedding, cribs (must meet the guidelines listed on our Crib Safety Checklist), furniture, bed rails, monitors, etc.
Play Equipment- indoor and outdoor playsets, houses, slides, tents, etc.
Sporting Equipment- bikes, ride on toys, balls, skates, etc.
Nursing & Feeding- breast pumps (do not include tubing!), bottles, breast pads (new in packaging), nursing pillows, etc.
Toys, Books, Software, Games, Videos, Etc.- all electronics MUST have working batteries! Puzzles, games, and toys must have all parts and be in good working order. Only licensed stuffed animals will be permitted for sale (example: Disney, Ty, Kelly, FAO Schwartz, etc.)
NO drop side cribs.
NO Recalled items. By signing our consignors agreement you are stating that you have checked items for recalls and take full responsibility for the items you sell. Check www.cpsc.gov or www.recalls.gov for a list of recalled items. See additional safety information below.
Items that are not tagged and prepared as instructed on this website CANNOT be accepted. click here for tagging instructions
NO items that have pet hair, smoke or food odors, stains, holes, tears, or excessive wear.
NO car seats that are older than 7 years old, have been recalled, have expired, or have been in an accident.
NO garage sale quality items.
NO underwear, unless they are new in original packaging.
NO food, medicine or perishables
NO pacifiers or tubes from breast pumps unless new in original packaging.
NO items that have missing pieces.
NO handmade blankets
NO unlicensed stuffed animals (example: Dollar Store or Dollar Tree stuffies, etc.)
NO items with inappropriate messages (drug use, sexual innuendos, bad language)
NO movies rated "R"
Failure to meet the above requirements will result in the unaccepted items being REMOVED from the sale.
KidCycle will not sell any item that has been recalled or is unsafe. Here are a few helpful suggestions:
Go to www.cpsc.gov or www.recalls.gov to see if your items have been recalled. Carseat recalls can be checked at: https://www-odi.nhtsa.dot.gov/recalls/childseat.cfm
Double check items for missing or loose parts.
Make sure to check the Crib & Car Seat Safety Checklist (located on the right side of this page)
If in doubt, visit the manufacturer's website. Most have a 1-800 number if you have any concerns.
Lastly, ask yourself if you would be comfortable with your child being exposed to the item. If not, do not bring it to the sale!
Crib slat width: Cribs will be accepted if the space between the slats is no more than 2-3/8 inches apart to prevent infants from getting their head stuck between them.
Crib top rails: The top rails of crib sides, in their raised position, should be at least 26 inches above the top of the mattress support at it's lowest position.
Crib with corner posts: The corner post should be the same height as the end panels or less than 1/16 of an inch higher than the end panels.
Cribs with cut outs: No cut-out areas on the headboard or footboard so a baby's head cannot get trapped.
Wood cribs: Wood surfaces must be smooth and free from splinters, splits, cracks, or other defects that might cause a crib or any parts to fall off or come apart.
Checked for recall: Please visit www.cpsc.gov
Please fill out the google form listed below PRIOR to bringing a crib to sell. We will NOT be able to sell your item without it!
Car Seats:
Do you know the history of the car seat?
Does the seat have a label with the manufactured date and model number?
Is the seat less than five (5) years old?
Is the seat free from any cracks, bends, or breaks?
Is the metal frame free from rust or bends?
Does the seat have all it's parts? (harness strap, clips, seat cover, tether, padding, shields & bolts (where applicable))?
Are the harness straps free of fraying and excessive wear?
Are the buckle and other parts free of any signs of rust?
If you answered NO to any of the questions above, we CANNOT accept your seat.
If you answered YES, please proceed and answer the following 2 questions:
Has the seat ever been involved in a car accident? Even a minor one?
Has the seat been recalled for safety defects? Please visit www.cpsc.gov or call 1-800-638-2772.
**If you answered YES to either of the last 2 questions, we CANNOT accept your car seat.**
Please fill out the google form listed below PRIOR to bringing a car seat to sell. We will NOT be able to sell your item without it!
Product Recall Links
Check to see if any items you plan to consign have been issued a recall: